We recognize the first years of a child’s life are the most formative years. Our trained professionals work with parents and caregivers to promote learning and development, healthy parent-child relationships, and confidence in their abilities to meet their child’s ever changing needs. In collaboration with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), we offer two Help Me Grow early childhood programs to families with infants and toddlers from prenatal to age three years to residents of the county.

Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system providing coordinated services to parents of eligible children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities. Early Intervention is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. Families served in Early Intervention are supported by a team consisting of a service coordinator, service providers, and your family. Your team works with you in your home or other places you and your family spend time to develop a coordinated plan called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). You and your team will work through your IFSP to use your existing supports and resources—and build upon them—to learn to enhance your child’s learning and development.
If you are concerned about your child’s development and have questions, please call 419-586-1721.
What to Expect at the Mercer DD Sensitive Santa Event
What to Expect when Meeting Santa

Help Me Grow Home Visiting is a voluntary family support program offered at no cost for pregnant women or new parents. It is an evidence-based program that promotes healthy growth and development for babies and toddlers as well as support for parents. Our Home Visitors will partner with you to access the information and resources to support the physical and emotional health of your baby and entire family based upon your needs and topics of interest.
Are you pregnant or have a child under three months of age? Do you receive WIC or Medicaid? Would you like extra support as a new parent? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you might be eligible for Help Me Grow Home Visiting.
If you have questions, please call
The PLAY Project™ is a parent implemented, intensive early intervention program for young children with autism that is evidence-based. Early intervention can make a profound difference in the life course of these children because their brains are developing at an incredible rate before the age of five. Children, including children with autism, learn best through play in the natural environment of the home. The secret is knowing how to engage the child in a playful way that promotes his or her development.